Vietnam Real Estate 2008 Conference

Vietnam REAL ESTATE 2008 Conference @ Hong Kong aims to:

Bring investment opportunities in Vietnam's Real Estate closer to investors mainly in Hong Kong and North Asian and Asean countries.

Provide a networking platform for foreign investors and developers to establish contact with Vietnamese land owners to explore collaboration to develop projects together.

Offer leaders from the Hanoi Capital region, HCM City, Quang Ninh, Quang Binh and Thanh Hoa provinces to highlight investment opportunities in their provinces and experts from other government agencies to address issues relating to taxation, labour and the environment in Vietnam. The real estate consultants, legal expert and developers with experience in Vietnam will also join them to share their experiences and ideas.

Targeted at: Developers, Investors, Fund Managers, architects, town planners, engineers, surveyors real estate Consultants, tax and legal experts and other service solution providers.

From: Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Korea and Japan, Singapore, Vietnam, Europe, Middle East, Europe, USA and Asia Pacific.
