Foreign construction entrepreneurs allowed to do business in Vietnam

The Ministry of Construction has just sent the Construction Departments of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City an official document allowing the participation of foreign businesses in Vietnam’s construction sector.

According to the Ministry, Decision No. 87/2004/QÐ-TTg, issued on May 19th 2004 by the Prime Minister on Regulations of the Management of Foreign Entrepreneurs’ Activities in Construction, was based on Term 4, Article 7 in the 2003 Construction Law.

Therefore, the granting of licenses to foreign businesses in Vietnam’s construction sector definitely agrees with the Construction Law and does not run against the Law on Tender and Circular No. 58/2008/NÐ-CP, issued on May 5th, 2008 on the instruction on the execution of the Tender Law.

The document emphases that localities can rely on these legal basics to give licenses to foreign construction entrepreneurs that have enough conditions and wish to do business in Vietnam.

Source: QDND
